After comparison graphs for 10 Balkan countries separately, here is a comparison of top40 in Europe, excluding some tiny countries like Andorra, San Marino, Lichtenstein etc. They are given in four sets of 10 countries each. The rank is based on <deaths per million>. Data up to 20.4.2020
For each set, there are four graphs:
- Deaths per million
- Total deaths
- Cases per million
- Total cases
Update 29.4.2020. Major update from the UK revising previous deaths by more than 4,000 from care homes. Some changes between countries rank. Updated graphs in the slideshow below
Update 26.4.2020. Some changes in top-40.
Beware: from this point on, data are only up to 20.4.2020.
Top 10
‘United Kingdom.’
Top 11-20
Top 21-30
Top 31-40