Updated graphs as of 8th July 2020 for various countries
Two sets of graphs for a variety of countries. Focus now on daily new cases, including 7 day average, and also on daily new deaths, again including 7-day average All…
Two sets of graphs for a variety of countries. Focus now on daily new cases, including 7 day average, and also on daily new deaths, again including 7-day average All…
Similar graphs for a number of countries. Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland: fine examples of great decline UK, US: mediocre decline Iran: second peak Russia, Mexico, Brazil, Peru: before the first…
Countries that clearly passed the peak and are slowing down. Graphs are: 7-day rolling average of the <daily deaths per million> per country. 'Belgium''Spain''France.''Italy''United Kingdom.''Portugal''Denmark.''Switzerland''Greece' Countries still before the peak,…
Those are some out-of-focus countries, so I thought it was worth to shed some light on them. The usual four graphs with : deaths per milliontotal deathscases per milliontotal cases…
After comparison graphs for 10 Balkan countries separately, here is a comparison of top40 in Europe, excluding some tiny countries like Andorra, San Marino, Lichtenstein etc. They are given in…
The list, based on <deaths per million> among not too small counties is the following one, up to 14.4.2020. This doesn't use any lags, only the latest values. Aligning countries…
Spain and Italy see consistent decline in daily numbers of deaths. See the following four graphs. Two on absolute numbers and two on ratios (deaths per million). Also, two using…
Comparison of covid-19 spread in 10 Balkan countries. Update 20.4.20: Slovenia, Skopje, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Bulgaria.
A little more focus on the last few days tell us that they both follow a very similar pattern, France being slightly worse. However, 4 out of last 5 days, France shows first signs of decline. If the UK does the same is open question. If not, the UK could surpass France in 4-5 days.
Comparison between Spain and Belgium. Up to 12.4.2020 First, the graph that everybody sees. Absolute daily number of deaths (so, not <deaths per million>). No lag. Straight comparison. Here, it…